Event Details
Dear members,
Greetings from The Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (HK and Macau) ("The Chamber")!
Please be informed that the Chamber will hold its 6th Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 8th June 2020 (Monday). If you wish to attend in person, please register online.
6.00 pm - 6.30 pm Registration
6.30 pm - 7.30 pm AGM
However, if you would like to appoint a proxy to join the AGM, please complete the proxy form (page 7 of the documents of AGM) that attached in the link below.
Proxy Registration and Nomination of members for the Executive Committee Deadline: on or before 6th June 2020 (Saturday) at 6.30 pm
Please find below the links for AGM Documents, Audited Financial Statements for the chamber and the student trust fund and the sub-committees reports for your kind attention.
2. The Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong and Macau) Limited - Audited Financial Statement
3. The Malaysian Chamber (Hong Kong and Macau) Students Trust Fund - Audited Financial Statement
4. Reports from Subcommittees
In view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Chamber will implement the following measures at the AGM to safeguard the health and safety of our members and staff:
(i) there will be compulsory body temperature checks will be conducted for every attendee at the entrance of the AGM venue. Any person with a body temperature of over 37.5 degrees Celsius will be denied entry into the AGM;
(ii) attendees who have any flu-like symptoms or had close contact with any person under quarantine or recent travel history, will not be permitted to attend the AGM;
(iii) each attendee would be provided with and required to wear a surgical face mask throughout the AGM and in the AGM venue;
(iv) the Chamber will maintain safe distance between seats; and
(v) no refreshments and beverages will be served.
Safeguarding public health remains our top priority. We are monitoring the government's directives concerning COVID-19 restrictions in order to make sure that our Annual General Meeting will comply with the latest Hong Kong government regulations.
Lastly, if you are using gmail to open the links above, you could right click the link to "open with browser" to view the link directly in browser.