Event Details

  1. Do you find it hard to relax and sometimes even experience some form of anxiety and irritability?
  2. Do you find it difficult to concentrate and focus on your daily task at hand?
  3. Have you been experiencing chronic headaches, loss/increase of appetite and/or have trouble sleeping?

If you answer yes to any of the above, there might be a chance that you are dealing with stress.

What IS Stress? According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Although everyone experiences stress to a certain degree, the way we respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to our overall well-being.

MAYCHAM's Women Internal Network (WiN) is hosting a webinar Demystifying Stress : The Masterclass to help our members to understand and learn to manage stress better.

Details of the webinar are as follow:

Date : 27 June 2023, Tuesday

Time : 6PM to 7:30PM

Mode : via Zoom (the link will be sent to all registered participants one day prior to the event)


Members : FREE

Non-Members : HK$100/pax

Coach Emilie Ducommun of Stressilience will be coaching us on understanding stress, its causes and the related symptoms and teaching practical tips to manage it in our daily lives.

What can you expect from the Masterclass?

  • Understanding stress and debunking the myths
  • The causes of stress
  • How stress shows up - signs & symptoms
  • Identify the 3 elements to break the vicious cycle of chronic stress
  • How to manage your nervous system with the right mindset -
  • Understand the role of emotions in stress resilience and how to process them
  • Self-care as part of building stress resilience
  • Practical tips you can apply in daily life
  • When to get support from a therapist
  • Q&A with the coach

For more information on Coach Emilie, please refer to her profile below.

Thank you

The Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (HK & Macau)


  • Emilie Ducommun (Stressilience)

    Emilie Ducommun


    Emilie Ducommun is a professional medical coach specialising in Stress and Resilience. Emilie helps women to recover from chronic stress, overcome anxiety, deal with unpleasant feelings and ultimately build resilience. Her passion for mental health came after she was personally affected by chronic stress, and she recognised the limited awareness, support and education in the community. Today, we are exposed to more and more stressors, both external and internal; it therefore becomes crucial to build stress resilience, she says. Thanks to this, she pursued additional education and started to create resources for those impacted women by chronic stress and anxiety disorders.

    ๏‚ง Certified Professional Coach in Transformative Coaching (ACSTH) – Coach Masters Academy
    ๏‚ง Medical Coaching Training – The Medical Coaching Institute
    ๏‚ง Advance Training for Mastery Coaching (ACTP) – Coach Masters Academy
    ๏‚ง DISC Flow Certified Trainer – DISC Flow Asia & Pacific
    ๏‚ง Certified Resilience Practitioner
    ๏‚ง Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
    ๏‚ง Certified Level 1 Aromatherapist (NAHA) – The School of Aromatic Studies
    ๏‚ง Professional Training Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing (NAHA) – The School of Aromatic Studies
    ๏‚ง Certified Sleep Science Coach (in process) - Spencer Institute

    view more


Members Ticket
Member Price Complimentary
Non-Members Ticket
Standard Price HKD 100