The Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong & Macau) Limited [MayCham or MCCHKM] was successfully incorporated on 20 January 2014 by prominent Malaysian Individuals and business leaders residing in Hong Kong and Macau with the following core objectives:
i. To promote, support, and represent the interests of the Malaysian business community in Hong Kong, Macau and Southern China. ii. To provide a network for Malaysian businesses in Hong Kong, Macau and Southern China to promote trade and investments in Malaysia. iii. To assist Malaysian companies investing in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China, through networking and sharing of information. iv. To provide a platform for Malaysian Government officials visiting Hong Kong or Macau to meet, interact and to know more about Hong Kong and Macau potentials in investments and trade in Malaysia. v. To provide a forum for the expression of opinions and exchange of business related information among its members and other institutions, enterprises, relevant bodies in Hong Kong and Macau or with the Malaysian authorities. vi. To provide a platform in Hong Kong to facilitate link up with Malaysian Chambers of Commerce for better networking across the region.